When did you first see Rocky Horror?
1998 (MTV's Movies That Rock)
2000 (Midnight Insanity)
When did you join the cast?
Which cast? I was on Los Bastardos from 2002 to 2010.
Joined Queerios in 2012 and still going.
Why did you join the cast?
I love making people happy, having a good time, the movie, the cast members and dressing up then down. ;)
What do you do on cast?
Perform and help with costumes.
Who's sexier, Columbia or Magenta?
Depends on what mood I'm in. When I perform Magenta I feel sexier, if that counts.
What keeps you going to Rocky every weekend?
Tradition, acceptance, keeping it weird and its a fun ride!
How has Rocky Horror affected your life?
I feel more confident in my own body, I am more social and outgoing.
Do you have a love/love or a love/hate relationship with Rocky?
Depends on the situation.
What do you think of Shock Treatment?
I think the writer's strike ruined what could have been an awesome "sequel" to Rocky Horror.