Austin Rocky Horror Picture Show Cast

Queerios! Cast Member Ben Corwin at The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Austin, Texas

Ben Corwin        2560 views        Last updated 18 Feb 08

Birthplace:Los Angeles
Profile Page:
Queerios Forums:teddybear      (send private message)

Rocky Horror Q&A

When did you first see Rocky Horror?
A long ass time ago.....

When did you join the cast?
February of 2007

Why did you join the cast?
It seemed like a good idea at the time. I was also really bored on Saturday nights.

What do you do on cast?
As little as possible. When necessary I deal with the crazies.

Personal Stuff

What do you do when you're not at Rocky?
I go to ACC and laze about the house, on occasion I'll get some people together and party.

Are you a pirate or a ninja? (butt pirates don't count)
I'm a viking....they're so much cooler than both ninjas and pirates.

Besides Rocky, what are your obsessions?
Drinking and hashing

What are a few of your favorite things?
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens.

What is your dream job?

What's your favorite kind of pie?
Anything with copious amounts of sugar in it.

Anything else random to share?
My hashing name is "Andre the Mangina"

Photo Galleries

Tech Crew:12 Jan 2008
Audience Member:3 Nov 2007 (Queer Bastards)