When did you first see Rocky Horror?
Sometime my Sophomore year in High School. A friend lent me the DVD.
When did you join the cast?
After the 32nd anniversary show.
Why did you join the cast?
Because I wanted to!
What do you do on cast?
Well, sometimes the cast needs something tech to be done. But not just one thing, a couple of things. Maybe more. At the same time.
And I am just man (or crazy) enough to get it all done!
When it comes to appearances on stage, I have done a Ninja Crim (for the Pirate show), Transie, Dr. Scott, Regular Crim, Eddie, and do a damn good Riff-Raff if I do say so myself!
Who's sexier, Columbia or Magenta?
On the screen? Neither. They both look like the kind of woman who would follow you down a dark alleyway, chop of ya' co-pilot, and use it as their own personal dildo.
On stage? Yes. Equal. Both are sexy!
What keeps you going to Rocky every weekend?
Boobies. That and a somewhat weird sense of humor.
Also, I am still trying to find Fluffy, my black cat.
EDIT: Alright, I found him. ...sick bastards.
How has Rocky Horror affected your life?
I now crossdress once a week.
Do you have a love/love or a love/hate relationship with Rocky?
I will answer your question with a SAT analogy:
The relationship between Me and Rocky, is like Pie and...
A) Salt
B) XBOX 360
C) Religion
D) Massachusetts
See if YOU can make sense of it.
What do you think of Shock Treatment?
I LOVE IT!!!!!11!!!1!1!!11!!!!oneone!eleventyone!!