When did you first see Rocky Horror?
In 2002, with a random friend from school. He had a crush on me, but I don't like boys. I don't know why people can't figure that out. It was pretty addictive and amazing.
When did you join the cast?
2004, I joined the Heavy Petting Cast. When they spit me back up, I joined Queerios in October 2008. Ask me why I'm not in Heavy Petting anymore if you want a fun story.
Why did you join the cast?
Because there are many awesome things about a Rocky Horror cast that I just can't get anywhere else. It's a whole eclectic experience. Also, the gratuitous applause can't be bad.
What do you do on cast?
I play Brad Majors and Dr. Frankenfurter, currently, but hopefully I plan to be helping out quite a great deal in the future.
Who's sexier, Columbia or Magenta?
Magenta, with her wonderful hair. Plus, if you've seen "Meaning of Life", Pat Quinn had great tits for her time.
What keeps you going to Rocky every weekend?
Probably the people. I love being almost completely naked in front of the whole world every weekend. It's glorious.
How has Rocky Horror affected your life?
It's been a long Rocky road, but in the end, it's affected me for the better I think.
Do you have a love/love or a love/hate relationship with Rocky?
Love/hate. It just depends on my weekend. I love going, but not for any absolute reason.
What do you think of Shock Treatment?
The music is definitely more catchy.