When did you first see Rocky Horror?
March 13, 1977, at the Mann National Twin theater in Corpus Christi.
When did you join the cast?
Early 1986.
Why did you join the cast?
I was in the Corpus cast before moving to Austin... a lot of great people and some are still my good friends, but we could never get past a certain level because of awful management, difficulty keeping cast members, etc. I just fell for the Austin cast and had to be a part of it. And Rocky just had to be part of my life.
What do you do on cast?
I'm not much into performing anymore (here, I have played Magenta, Crim, and Dr. Scott--in Corpus, I did Magenta, Janet, and Frank). I was cast director enough times to make me more insane, also special shows a few times. Now I enjoy the show, take lots of photos, and give people tylenol and safety pins as needed.
Who's sexier, Columbia or Magenta?
Magenta - and I agree with Shawn about any woman looking better in a Magenta dress... (maybe some men too)
What keeps you going to Rocky every weekend?
Because i love it, have so much fun, and it's a part of me now.
How has Rocky Horror affected your life?
All to the good... I have so many close, wonderful friends I met at Rocky, some of whom I've known since the 70's/80's. I met and married James Laljer at the show, I met Davina, my adopted daughter, there, I've had so much enjoyment out of my years at Rocky and some cool adventures roadtripping. Rocky is just something that makes me happy.
Do you have a love/love or a love/hate relationship with Rocky?
Love/love. Sometimes when there's too much self-indulgent drama I get exasperated (when people get big-headed and think it's all about them, or fight viciously over stupid trivia and hurt each other) but this cast is pretty good about that stuff lately.
What do you think of Shock Treatment?
When I first saw it I felt pretty disoriented, but it grew on me. I really love the songs (though I love some from "The Stripper" even more). I was thrilled to get to see it on a big screen with a cast at 2 cons.