Gillian ("Limey") 2942 views Last updated 23 Oct 07
Birthdate: | 9/11 |
Birthplace: | Ipswich, Suffolk, UK |
Queerios Forums: | Limey (send private message) |
Birthdate: | 9/11 |
Birthplace: | Ipswich, Suffolk, UK |
Queerios Forums: | Limey (send private message) |
When did you first see Rocky Horror?
A long, long time ago on a continent far, far away...
When did you join the cast?
Ummm...well, I joined Los Bastardos in June of '03. I think my first Queer Bastards Show was in Jan. or Feb. of the following year. However, I didn't start playing with the Queerios on a semi-regular basis until '05 or '06.
Why did you join the cast?
I didn't so much join as got assimilated by default! You come down for a Queer Bastard show, next thing you know, you're coming down for random occasions like Birthdays & Weddings and just so happen to get cast...and wham! Apparently, you're a Queerio.
What do you do on cast?
Janet mostly. I recently started playing Columbia for LB so you might be able to catch me as Columbia in future Queerios shows. I've played Frank once for each cast and Brad several times for LB.
Who's sexier, Columbia or Magenta?
Magenta! Oddly enough, I have yet to play Maggie, but that works out well 'cause it means I get to rub on her as other characters =)
What keeps you going to Rocky every weekend?
The people. They're like family, but hotter.
How has Rocky Horror affected your life?
I can't even imagine what my life would be like without Rocky Horror. It's been such a huge part of my life (even before I joined cast) for so long. I think the more appropriate question would be, how has Rocky Horror NOT affected my life?
Do you have a love/love or a love/hate relationship with Rocky?
The character or the show? Love/hate with the character. He's dumb, but lovable. Kinda hot but kinda not. The show is more of a love/love/hate/love/love thing. There are some nights that I just wish I could have the night off...but when I do have the night off, I end up at the show anyway so I'm pretty much a lost cause. I mean, really...I go out of town AWAY from cast, and end up playing with another cast. So often, in fact, that I now have a cast bio on their site. Yeah. I'm a rocky whore.
What do you think of Shock Treatment?
I didn't know what to think at first. It's nothing like Rocky Horror and I love it in a completely different way.
What do you do when you're not at Rocky?
I'm a College Student, waiting tables to make ends meet. I enjoy food.
Are you a pirate or a ninja? (butt pirates don't count)
Pirate all the way. I'm on LB. We're the Pirate cast...don't listen to NY.
Besides Rocky, what are your obsessions?
Blue Man Group, food.
What are a few of your favorite things?
Food, Rocky, Blue Man Group, Heavy Metal, Beer, Rum, Pirates, Muppets
What is your dream job?
Stage Manager for the Blue Muppet Group.
What's your favorite kind of pie?
Apple. Nothing beats warm apple pie.
Anything else random to share?
17 Mar 2007 (St. Patrick's) | |
15 Sep 2007 (Queer Bastards), 24 Jan 2004 (Queer Bastards) | |
3 Nov 2007 (Queer Bastards) | |
28 Apr 2007 (Queer Bastards in Fort Worth), 19 Aug 2006 (Pirate Night) |
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