Austin Rocky Horror Picture Show Cast

Queerios! Cast Member Mark Walsh at The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Austin, Texas

Mark Walsh        2438 views        Last updated 05 Nov 12

Marital Status:Single
Queerios Forums:ASF      (send private message)

Rocky Horror Q&A

When did you first see Rocky Horror?
Halloween Night, 1975, San Antonio, Texas. You may draw your own conclusions. RHPS hit so hard that my roommate and I immediately got a soundtrack (reel to reel tape for crying out loud), and printed a booklet with the lyrics and prop list - put a hot pink cover on it and took copies to the show!

When did you join the cast?
October 13, 2012 - after a 17 year break in attending - have been in five different casts before - none of them were organized enough to have names.

Why did you join the cast?
The blackness - it hit me, and the void - it was calling...

What do you do on cast?
Tech so far, which is good! The other five casts I was part of didn't have anything beyond props... Almost exclusively Crim and Dr. Scott (for the obvious reasons) even before I got gray hair. Riff might be fun to do!

Who's sexier, Columbia or Magenta?
Magenter...(wink), but Columbia dances better!

What keeps you going to Rocky every weekend?
Same as everyone else!

How has Rocky Horror affected your life?
Hmmm. Gotta think about that one.

Do you have a love/love or a love/hate relationship with Rocky?
Love/love. My late wife, may she rest in peace, had a hate/hate relationship with it.

Personal Stuff

What do you do when you're not at Rocky?
Work... music...

Are you a pirate or a ninja? (butt pirates don't count)
A pirate ... more accurately an airship pirate.

Besides Rocky, what are your obsessions?
Too many to list.

What's your favorite kind of pie?

Photo Galleries

Tech Crew:31 Oct 2012 (Halloween), 27 Oct 2012 (Halloweekend)


Queerios! Cast Member Mark Walsh at The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Austin, Texas
27 Oct 2012