When did you first see Rocky Horror?
At a friend's 13th birthday party. My friends tried to turn it off because they thought it was "gross".
When did you join the cast?
Officially in June 2002, performed for the first time July 2002
Why did you join the cast?
To make friends, run around in lingerie in front of people, and because my parents told me not to >:-)
What do you do on cast?
I am the cast director, the fearless leader, head honcha and all around swell gal. I also make all the prop bags (with lots of help from my fellow cast members!), wash, improve and repair the costumes, buy and make new props (with lots of help from Penguin!), advertise, hold parties, host D&D, act as the go-between for people who refuse to speak to each other and act as all around cast bitch :)
Who's sexier, Columbia or Magenta?
What keeps you going to Rocky every weekend?
I *love* Rocky. I've always been a theatre junkie but never serious enough to take it any further than high school... so this is utterly perfect for me. Plus I like the feeling that I'm an important part of such a huge phenomenon!
How has Rocky Horror affected your life?
I met my ex fiance, ex boyfriend, and my wonderful husband there. Rocky has also helped me to blossom creatively and helped me to feel much better about myself.
Do you have a love/love or a love/hate relationship with Rocky?
Love/Love. For sure.
What do you think of Shock Treatment?
I think it was way ahead of its time. It is a fucking FABULOUS movie with beautiful makeup, costumes and smashing music.