Austin Rocky Horror Picture Show Cast

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The Rocky Horror Picture Show live cast of Austin, Texas

Queerios! Lingerie Night Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas
Queerios! Cast Member Holli Jackson as Janet Weiss at The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Austin, Texas

QUEERIOS is the performing cast of the Austin Rocky Horror Picture Show, presented at the Alamo Drafthouse Village theater EVERY SATURDAY AT MIDNIGHT. If you have not yet experienced Rocky Horror in a theater (VIRGIN!) and are wondering what to expect from this audience participation phenomenon, take a look at this guide for first timers. For more details about attending our show, please see the Theater Info page. Be sure to register at the discussion forums and chat with us also. We are ALWAYS looking for new cast members, so don't be shy. We'll see you at the show!

Special Shows: October 28th, 2011

Queerios! San Marcos Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas

Tickets are on sale now for our Halloween weekend shows! Go here: The Alamo Drafthouse Village just finished up nearly two weeks of remodeling work, to provide a greatly expanded lobby area as well as a larger bar with more taps for beer. Apparently you'll finally be able to actually wait in line for movies inside the lobby, and not outside in the cold...:-) Grab tickets while you can. And wear a costume!

Also our recent road show at Texas State University was very well received, with an audience of 150ish students. There's a writeup about us in their school newspaper as well as an awesome video with performance footage and interviews. I've also posted some limited photos from the show (limited because I was also playing Riff Raff!). Everyone had a blast. With any luck they'll make this an annual event.

Site News: October 9th, 2011

Queerios! Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas

Halloween is coming up quickly! Take a look at this thread for our full schedule of shows in October, including Halloween night as well as a road show in San Marcos. Also I know that it's been awhile since I posted very many cast photos, but they've started going up again lately. Here are a few photo galleries that have been posted from the past couple months: October 8th, September 24th, and August 20th. Enjoy!

Special Shows: August 21st, 2011

Texas State University - San Marcos

The Queerios have been requested to perform during a showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show at the LBJ Student Center amphitheater of Texas State University in San Marcos on Thursday, October 20th at 8:00pm. This looks like a great outdoor venue, and should be a whole lot of fun during the run up to Halloween! There will be also be an audience costume contest.

Special Shows: May 8th, 2011

GeekFest 2011

The Queerios will be appearing again this year at GeekFest in Killeen on Friday, August 19th. This event is put on by Central Texas College and the Mayborn Planetarium. We were invited to attend last year and performed to a very excited sold out audience. We performed inside the planetarium itself with the movie projected on the dome, which was certainly a first for all of us! This year it looks like they'll be having two shows, with Queerios performing the earlier show and possibly some local volunteers performing in the later show (which we'll still be helping out with). Should be a whole lot of fun! More info is here:

News: May 3rd, 2011

The Rocki Whore Picture Show

Wicked Pictures has just released The Rocki Whore Picture Show (a hardcore XXX parody) on DVD. It should be available now through CD Universe, Adult DVD Empire, Excalibur Films, etc. for around $25-$30. It's a two DVD set, including a second DVD of special features. Stars include Wicked performers Jessica Drake, Alektra Blue, Kaylani Lei, Annie Cruz, Nicki Hunter, and Puma Swede along with Ron Jeremy and others.

This is certainly not the first porno to be based on The Rocky Horror Picture Show - others include The Rocky Porno Video Show (1986) and Funky Fetish Horror Show (2002). The Rocki Whore Picture Show (2011) is by far the best though. Local L.A. cast Sins O' The Flesh was kind enough to lend out some of their set and costume pieces, which really help bring a stamp of quality to the production. They also produced four of their own parody musical numbers. Much of the dialogue has comedic nods to the Rocky Horror fanbase as well. Overall, it was highly entertaining in addition to being good porn. Recommended!

News: October 26th, 2010


The 35th Anniversary celebration continues this week with the "Rocky Horror Glee Show", broadcasting tonight. After listening to the CD released for it last week, the cast sounds great though there was some amusing sanitization of lyrics for network television (particularly in Touch-A). Dr. Frank-N-Furter is apparently a Sweet Transvestite from 'Sensational' Transylvania, and Janet seems to be inexplicably worried about 'heavy sweating' and 'bad fretting'. Gah! Fox was kind enough to send some promotional materials over to our theater this past week, so we were able to hand out a couple copies of that CD as well as t-shirts to every audience member with "I Did The Time Warp With Glee" on them. Pretty awesome!

Speaking of our audience, this past weekend's show sold out at 5pm on Saturday. Tickets are available online now for all three of this coming weekend's shows, so I highly recommend buying early. I do hate seeing large disappointed groups of dressed up people in the theatre parking lot. At any rate, also being released today is the Rocky Horror Picture Show Track Pack for Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock. So after Glee is over tonight I'll assuredly be trying my hand at playing plastic bass on the three songs included in that ("Hot Patootie", "Sweet Transvestite", and "Time Warp"). How sweet it is...:-)

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