Austin Rocky Horror Picture Show Cast

Special Shows: October 28th, 2011

Queerios! Cast Member Patrick Yonkin as Brad Majors at The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Austin, Texas

Tickets are on sale now for our Halloween weekend shows! Go here: The Alamo Drafthouse Village just finished up nearly two weeks of remodeling work, to provide a greatly expanded lobby area as well as a larger bar with more taps for beer. Apparently you'll finally be able to actually wait in line for movies inside the lobby, and not outside in the cold...:-) Grab tickets while you can. And wear a costume!

Also our recent road show at Texas State University was very well received, with an audience of 150ish students. There's a writeup about us in their school newspaper as well as an awesome video with performance footage and interviews. I've also posted some limited photos from the show (limited because I was also playing Riff Raff!). Everyone had a blast. With any luck they'll make this an annual event.

Site News: October 9th, 2011

Queerios! Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas

Halloween is coming up quickly! Take a look at this thread for our full schedule of shows in October, including Halloween night as well as a road show in San Marcos. Also I know that it's been awhile since I posted very many cast photos, but they've started going up again lately. Here are a few photo galleries that have been posted from the past couple months: October 8th, September 24th, and August 20th. Enjoy!

Special Shows: August 21st, 2011

Texas State University - San Marcos

The Queerios have been requested to perform during a showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show at the LBJ Student Center amphitheater of Texas State University in San Marcos on Thursday, October 20th at 8:00pm. This looks like a great outdoor venue, and should be a whole lot of fun during the run up to Halloween! There will be also be an audience costume contest.

Special Shows: May 8th, 2011

GeekFest 2011

The Queerios will be appearing again this year at GeekFest in Killeen on Friday, August 19th. This event is put on by Central Texas College and the Mayborn Planetarium. We were invited to attend last year and performed to a very excited sold out audience. We performed inside the planetarium itself with the movie projected on the dome, which was certainly a first for all of us! This year it looks like they'll be having two shows, with Queerios performing the earlier show and possibly some local volunteers performing in the later show (which we'll still be helping out with). Should be a whole lot of fun! More info is here:

News: May 3rd, 2011

The Rocki Whore Picture Show

Wicked Pictures has just released The Rocki Whore Picture Show (a hardcore XXX parody) on DVD. It should be available now through CD Universe, Adult DVD Empire, Excalibur Films, etc. for around $25-$30. It's a two DVD set, including a second DVD of special features. Stars include Wicked performers Jessica Drake, Alektra Blue, Kaylani Lei, Annie Cruz, Nicki Hunter, and Puma Swede along with Ron Jeremy and others.

This is certainly not the first porno to be based on The Rocky Horror Picture Show - others include The Rocky Porno Video Show (1986) and Funky Fetish Horror Show (2002). The Rocki Whore Picture Show (2011) is by far the best though. Local L.A. cast Sins O' The Flesh was kind enough to lend out some of their set and costume pieces, which really help bring a stamp of quality to the production. They also produced four of their own parody musical numbers. Much of the dialogue has comedic nods to the Rocky Horror fanbase as well. Overall, it was highly entertaining in addition to being good porn. Recommended!

News: October 26th, 2010


The 35th Anniversary celebration continues this week with the "Rocky Horror Glee Show", broadcasting tonight. After listening to the CD released for it last week, the cast sounds great though there was some amusing sanitization of lyrics for network television (particularly in Touch-A). Dr. Frank-N-Furter is apparently a Sweet Transvestite from 'Sensational' Transylvania, and Janet seems to be inexplicably worried about 'heavy sweating' and 'bad fretting'. Gah! Fox was kind enough to send some promotional materials over to our theater this past week, so we were able to hand out a couple copies of that CD as well as t-shirts to every audience member with "I Did The Time Warp With Glee" on them. Pretty awesome!

Speaking of our audience, this past weekend's show sold out at 5pm on Saturday. Tickets are available online now for all three of this coming weekend's shows, so I highly recommend buying early. I do hate seeing large disappointed groups of dressed up people in the theatre parking lot. At any rate, also being released today is the Rocky Horror Picture Show Track Pack for Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock. So after Glee is over tonight I'll assuredly be trying my hand at playing plastic bass on the three songs included in that ("Hot Patootie", "Sweet Transvestite", and "Time Warp"). How sweet it is...:-)

News: October 19th, 2010

Rocky Horror Picture Show Blu-Ray

The 35th Anniversary celebration of The Rocky Horror Picture Show begins today with the long-awaited Blu-Ray release of the movie! We'll be upgrading our projection experience at the Alamo Drafthouse to HD this coming weekend as well. That's just the start of Fox's marketing push this year though. Next week the "Rocky Horror Glee Show" episode of Glee will be broadcast, and today a $4.99 CD of songs from that show comes out. Also next week, Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock will (believe it or not) release a Rocky Horror Picture Show track pack, allowing you to play along in Guitar Hero to "Hot Patootie", "Sweet Transvestite", and "Time Warp". Exciting times!

Special Shows: January 29th, 2009

Queerios! Naughty Fantasies Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas

We've got two great special shows coming up soon in February. First will be Valentine's Day Fetish Night on February 14th. Latex, bondage gear, nurse uniforms, Catholic school girls, and more will all be involved. Audience members are encouraged to join in the fun as well. It sounds like a great Valentine's Day date to me! Then just a week later is Mardi Gras on February 21st. The purple, green, gold, beads, masks, and feathers will be everywhere. Join in the festivities, and we'll see you there!

Site News: November 9th, 2008

Queerios! Cast Member Miss Tre as Dr. Frank-N-Furter at The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Austin, Texas

What an experience Halloween week was! We had two sold out shows at the Drafthouse, plus a road show in Waco. Halloween night was actually sold out almost 24 hours in advance! The show in Waco at the Hippodrome Theatre was on a whole different level though. Final stats were 536 tickets sold (they had to open up balcony seating!) and over 300 prop bags sold. Performance photos of this blowout show have just been posted:

We also have press clippings, believe it or not! The Waco Tribune-Herald interviewed me for a how-to article published the day of the show up there: Waco fans of the cult favorite 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' get to do Time Warp again. Blogger Wendy Gragg talked about it both before (Get ur freak on) and after (The freaks came out at night), as did entertainment editor Carl Hoover (Wild night at Hippodrome's "Rocky Horror"). The Tribune-Herald also sent both a photographer and videographer to the show, who concentrated on local Waco audience members in a photo gallery and video. This level of local newspaper support was something we've never experienced before. We're all hoping that we get to do this again with them next year!

Site News: October 29th, 2008

Queerios! Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas

Halloween is almost upon us! If you haven't yet bought your tickets for the weekend's shows, I'd do it now! Before the madness begins though with our three performances in two cities in three days, I'd like to highlight the last few sets of photo galleries that have gone up: August 30th, September 13th (Lingerie Night), September 20th, October 4th, and October 18th. Lingerie Night in particular was just a huge blowout of a show, with a sold out audience in the Drafthouse's largest theatre and a bunch of people participating in the costume contest. Oh, and our cast member's outfits were fabulous too...:-) Miss Tre took it as a personal challenge apparently, appearing in four entirely different costumes for her first night as Dr. Frank-N-Furter.

Queerios News: October 8th, 2008

Alamo Drafthouse RHPS Poster Set

The Alamo Drafthouse has commissioned a poster set to promote our Rocky Horror Picture Show screenings. The first poster, featuring Riff & Magenta, is now available from The artwork is by Ken Taylor in Australia, who apparently does a lot of work for bands like NIN, Slayer, etc. This poster is intended to be the first in a set of four, with other characters to follow. Posters are four color silkscreen prints in metallic ink on heavy stock art paper, and are individually numbered. If you look closely at the bottom you can just make out where it says "Shadow cast performed by Queerios!". Hey, that's us! :-)

Special Shows: October 1st, 2008

Queerios! Cast Member Miss Tre as Trixie at The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Austin, Texas

Our October special shows schedule is packed this year, culminating in a three day orgy of festivities around Halloween:

  • Saturday, October 11th @ Midnight - Pirate Night
  • Thursday, October 30th @ 10:00 pm - ROAD SHOW at the Hippodrome Theatre in Waco
  • Friday, October 31st @ Midnight - Halloween Night
  • Saturday, November 1st @ Midnight - Halloween Weekend

All of these shows will include audience costume contests - so dress up, dress down, wear your Halloween costume, put on your favorite lingerie, or whatever else strikes your fancy!

Site News: September 30th, 2008

Queerios! Cast Member James ("Strawboy") Hanson as Eddie at The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Austin, Texas

Mostly just catching up with some of the photo galleries that have been posted in recent months: June 28th, July 5th, July 12th, July 26th, and August 2nd. The July 5th and August 2nd galleries both include photos from a new perspective for the latter part of the show, as I've taken to wheeling around as a documentarian Dr. Scott with camera in tow.

Additionally, a couple of older special shows had photo galleries added. SNL Night 2007 featured many characters from Saturday Night Live skits, from The Church Lady to Toonces the Driving Cat. Beach Night Rookie Horror 2002 took place back at our old home, the Wells Branch Discount Cinema. It also happened to be the very first night my wife (and current cast director) Raini McHorse ever performed. Enjoy!

Site News: July 1st, 2008

Queerios! Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas

I've obviously been remiss about mentioning them here, but another half dozen sets of photos have been posted over the last few months: February 16th, February 23rd, March 1st (in B&W), April 12th, May 24th, and June 7th. If you want to stay up to date on photos and such, please join our forums.

It's summer, and both cast and audience members are frequently out and about on vacation and other duties. We've been having some fantastic shows nonetheless, and look forward to seeing everyone back here once school is in session again. Coming up next will be Beach Night on July 19th, with bikinis, coconuts, noodles, and whatever other beachy items strike our fancy.

Site News: February 17th, 2008

Queerios! Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas

Happy Valentine's Day! Photos have been posted from the first two weekends of February: 2/2 and 2/9. The latter was also Lingerie Night. A couple of audience members dressed up in lingerie, along with all of our cast members. Coast Guardsman Whitney White was in town for the weekend, and played Janet with us. She'll be heading out on patrol in Southeast Asia for several months shortly. We wish her well!

Site News: January 31st, 2008

Queerios! Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas

Another month (or more) worth of photos have been added: 10/31/07, 12/29/07, 1/5/08, 1/12/08, 1/19/08, and 1/26/08. These include quite a few new performers who've recently started: Blakesley and Bucket as Trixie, Sebastian and Shiny as Dr. Scott, and Spencer as Eddie.

A couple of these of galleries were from special shows. October 31st was of course Halloween night, complete with a jam packed sold out audience. December 29th was our "Christmas After Christmas" show, with a diverse cast including Rudolph, Mr. and Mrs. Claus, Scrooge, Tiny Tim, Jack, Sally, Barrel, Shock, Lock, and the Rebel Elf. Great fun. Our next special show is coming up soon on February 9th: LINGERIE NIGHT! The cast will be dressing up (down?) in their finest lingerie, and audience members are encouraged to do the same. It'll be a blast. We'll see you there!

Site News: December 22nd, 2007

Queerios! Cast Member Shawn ("Penguin") McKown as Dr. Everett V. Scott at The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Austin, Texas

Merry Christmas! Well... almost. I've actually been mostly keeping up with the steady stream of cast photos for once, and half a dozen new galleries have been posted: 11/3, 11/10, 11/24, 12/1, 12/8, and 12/15. To keep up with these more check out our forums, where I always post whenever a new set of photos goes up.

At any rate, the November 3rd show was kind of a mini-Queer Bastards night since several cast members from Los Bastardos were in town for a wedding that weekend anyway. Great fun. We've also added a couple of brand new performers: Amy as Magenta and (just last weekend) Kerry Ann as Columbia. Eli started playing Frank just recently as well. And it looks like several more new cast members will start performing here soon. See you all at the show!

Site News: October 31st, 2007

Queerios! Cast Member Morgan White as Magenta at The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Austin, Texas

Happy Halloween! Photos from this past Saturday's sold out show are now posted: October 27th. We were actually sold out several hours beforehand, so with any luck tonight's show will be also. It'd been awhile since Lauren performed with us, and her performance as Janet caused a bit of a stir. I'm sure you'll see why. As part of the lead-up to Halloween, I dug into the archives for some photos from Halloween(s) past also. October 30th, 2004 was our very first Halloween weekend at the Drafthouse and is memorable for the tag-team Columbia performances after Brittany was injured during Hot Patootie and had to be replaced by Toto. Halloween 2004 features The Jolly Garogers as the pre-show band, and finally Halloween 2006 should include a lot more familiar faces (and other body parts).

Site News: October 17th, 2007

Queerios! Cast Member Shannon Hurn as Criminologist at The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Austin, Texas

Just two weeks left until Halloween! BUY TICKETS... while you still can! Photos are also up from the last two shows: October 6th and October 13th. This past weekend was tag-team Janet night, due to an accident involving our coffin (not fatal). The previous weekend featured debut performances by Sam as Trixie and Bucket as Janet, as well as Brittany driving like a demon to get our spotlight to the theater before The Time Warp...:-) Photos from May 5th have been posted too, with Rev. Lindsay as Frank (her most recent performance with us, I think). A few have commented on the excessive cleavage involved. Or as Lindsay put it: "I don't know why I even bothered to wear a corset". Enjoy!

Site News: October 6th, 2007

Queerios! Cast Member - Chad Austin Parker

Cast bios are here, finally! (See also the "Meet The Cast" link on the side menu.) The bios will be a bit sparse until more cast members fill theirs in, but they already include listings of all cast photo galleries a given person is in and what part(s) they were playing as well as a list of portraits for them, their forums username, links to any MySpace/LiveJournal/other personal web sites, etc. Speaking of cast photo galleries, photos from two weeks ago are also up:

Site News: September 20th, 2007

Queerios! Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas

We're on a roll (haha) with photos here lately! Photos have been posted for the last two shows: September 8th and September 15th (Queer Bastards). The September 8th show featured a surprise visit by one of our old cast directors, Lee Nuckols, in a guest performance as Dr. Scott. September 15th was our biannual joint show with the Fort Worth cast, Los Bastardos. Visiting bastards included Madame Leah as Magenta, Fish as Dr. Frank-N-Furter, Limey as Janet, Cody as Rocky, and Emily as Dr. Scott. We'll look forward to seeing you all next time in Fort Worth, ya bastards!

Site News: August 28th, 2007

Queerios! Naughty Fantasies Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas

Photos are now up from three of the shows in the past month: July 28th (Decades Night), August 18th, and August 25th (Naughty Fantasies). This past weekend was the "Naughty Fantasies" theme night, featuring: ball gagged submissive with pastie wearing dominatrix, sexy stripping fireman, one hot nurse, clergy, and others. Last month's theme was "Decades Night", so we had eighties girl, fifties girl, Ziggy Stardust, twenties flapper girl, futuristic duct tape pasties girl, etc. The special shows recently have been fabulous!

Queerios News: May 17th, 2007

Rob 'Chibbi' Orduna as Frank N Furter

The Austin Chronicle has a full article on us this week, talking about our cast's 31st Anniversary: Not Going to Use 'Time Warp' in the Headline ... Oops, Too Late (Austin 'Rocky Horror' group celebrates birthday, by John H. Razook). This coming weekend's Anniversary show should be spectacular! We'll see you there!

Site News: May 5th, 2007

Queerios! Queer Bastards in Fort Worth Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas

Queer Bastards photos are posted now, from this past weekend's show in Fort Worth: About twice a year we have joint shows with our good friends in Los Bastardos. This show was at their theater in Fort Worth, the Ridgmar Movie Tavern. Queerios performing were Chibbi as Frank, Raini as Janet, Boobi as Riff Raff, Brittany as Columbia, Xavier as Dr. Scott, and Tre as (half of) Trixie.

Site News: April 12th, 2007

Queerios! Cast Member Summer Stinson as Columbia at The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Austin, Texas

Arrrrrr! Pirate night photos be online now: They're from late last year. Pirate night turned out to be an excellent theme night for us. We had skull and crossbone pasties, Captain Jack Sparrow (of course), Yellowbeard (complete with Greencrotch apparently), Dread Pirate Kevzor, pirates vs. ninjas, and a lovely pirate wench being forced to expose herself at swordpoint. Huzzah!

Site News: March 22nd, 2007

Queerios! St. Patrick's Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas

Photos from this past weekend's tribute to St. Patrick's Day have been posted. Drunken leprechauns, shamrock glitter pasties, and Irish pimps... oh my! But when did Hitler invade Ireland? Photos are here: Enjoy!

Site News: August 12th, 2006

Queerios! Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas

Posted a quick gallery from this evening's show, which was attended by actress Rosario Dawson (IMDB / Wikipedia), stuntwoman Zoë Bell (IMDB), and other cast members from the currently filming Death Proof. That is the Quentin Tarantino directed segment of the upcoming Tarantino/Rodriguez film Grind House. At any rate, Miss Dawson did an impromptu performance with us as Betty Monroe and we took some group shots of our cast with their cast after the show. Lots of fun was had by all...:-) Photos are here: I'll try to get the rest of the pictures from that show posted relatively soon as well.

Site News: July 30th, 2006

Queerios! Cast Member Rev. Lindsay King Mears as Columbia at The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Austin, Texas

New photos have been posted from last night's Rookie Horror Picture Show: This special show featured many of our cast members in roles new to them, all on the same night. Much hilarity ensued...:-) Highlights include Tre's posterior (her Trixie seemed to be a real hit with the audience for some odd reason), X marking the spot (in chest hair that is), and of course... the fat suit. Our next special show should be a "Pirate Night" (avast, ye maties!) coming up quite soon. Don't miss it!

Site News: July 23rd, 2006

Queerios! Horror Night Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas

Yow, new pictures! (And not at ATCF either...;-) The first set is from our show last month at Aphrodite's: Aphrodite's is a swingers type club that invited us to do a show, which was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone involved. We hope to return there relatively soon. The other set is from... a few years back... but was on a special "Horror Night" where all the characters were horror movie themed: Hope you like 'em.

Site News: July 17th, 2006

It's fun to remodel at the YMCA!

Remodeling ho! As you can see, the web site has gotten a MAJOR facelift. Take a look at this forum post for a list of some of the functional changes that have also been made. Further changes should be in the works as well quite soon, though I'll be splitting time with in giving it a long-delayed overhaul. Enjoy!

Site News: November 27th, 2005

Queerios! Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas

Lots of new pictures posted! Some recent ones, as well as a set from just over a year ago. We've got last night's show (through the start of Hot Patootie at least, when I found out about this Olympus service advisory the hard way): Then there's last week: And finally photos from November 13th, 2004, when Jim from Houston (Sadistic Pleasures and Beautiful Creatures casts among others, the old fart) did a guest performance as Dr. Frank-N-Furter. Animal and Leah from Los Bastardos also helped out with pre-show and Trixie respectively, that same night. Enjoy!

ATCF: November 20th, 2005 touched my tra-la-la

Stevo and recently added a video section with some of the videos that Stevo has done for our pre-show DVDs at the theater. Highlights(?) include his most recent addition, The Ding Dong Song, as well as the classic Love Sandwich. touched my tra-la-la...

Site News: November 7th, 2005

Queerios! Queer Bastards Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas

Mo' pictures, mo' pictures! First up is Halloween night 2005: That's all of my Halloween photos for this year. We also have some photos taken by Adrian Rodriguez (I think!) awhile back, of the Queer Bastards show on January 24th, 2004. This was a joint production with both Queerios and the Los Bastardos cast of Fort Worth. So don't be surprised if you see a few unfamiliar faces in there. I'll likely be posting a few more galleries of older pictures in the near future as well.

Site News: November 2nd, 2005

Queerios! Cast Member Sarah Wilk as Dr. Frank-N-Furter at The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Austin, Texas

Well Halloween was a blast as usual, with some awesome crowds and a whole lot of beer (don't forget to protect your beer while toilet paper is in the air!). Now... *drum roll*... we have PICTURES from Saturday night! Yes it's the first new photo gallery I've posted in two years... deal with it. :-) The gallery is here: Photos from Halloween night itself will be following directly. Enjoy!

Special Show: October 25th, 2005


Aiee, news! Which I've obviously been remiss about posting of late. At any rate, the big news of course is HALLOWEEN 2005. There'll be three big shows again this year: Friday the 28th at Midnight, Saturday the 29th at Midnight, and finally Monday the 31st at 9:45PM. Be there! And wear a costume!

Queerios News: August 25th, 2004

Rocky Horror at the Alamo Drafthouse Village

NEWS FLASH: The Austin Rocky Horror Picture Show will be moving to the Alamo Drafthouse Village as of Saturday, September 11th. Shows will be every Saturday night at midnight, admission $5.00, and the full Drafthouse menu of beer, food, and more will be available. Tickets are on sale online now. Our finale show at the Wells Branch Discount Cinema will still be on Saturday, September 4th. Many thanks to Tim League and the original Alamo Drafthouse for continuing the 28 year run of Rocky Horror in Austin. We'll see you there!

Queerios News: August 11th, 2004

Rocky Horror at the Alamo Drafthouse Village

NEWS FLASH: The Wells Branch Discount Cinema is shutting down as of Monday, September 6th. Cinemark was not given a chance to renew their lease on the property, and a Walgreens will apparently be put up in place of Austin's one and only Discount Cinema. Mr. Brusniak (general manager) is actively working to help us find a new home for Rocky Horror in Austin, and we will post more on this when we know more. Queerios has had a run of more than six years at this theater, starting back on January 23rd, 1998. Our finale show there will take place on Saturday, September 4th. BE THERE!

Site News: November 17th, 2003

Queerios! Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas

Finally posted some photos from a couple months ago, when Kristian did a guest Trixie type deal in her wife beater and t-back. Gotta love the tattoos, too. Someone over at Penthouse needs to tell her to stop bartending some weekend and get back over here...;-) At any rate, the gallery is online here:

Special Show: October 20th, 2003

What are YOU doing for Halloween?

It's that time of year again...HALLOWEEN!!! The one day of the year when everyone suddenly decides to act like we do all year round...:-) Come join us for our blowout Halloween extravaganza on Friday, October 31st at midnight! There will be a costume contest with prizes, so be festive and wear your very best. This is the first time in five years that we've had a weekend Halloween show, and it's sure to be huge. We will also have a big show the following night on Saturday, November 1st. BE THERE!

Site News: September 6th, 2003

Queerios! Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas

Whee, it's a guest photographer smorgasbord! Something new (by Ozzy): Something not so new (by Adrian Rodriguez): And finally, something really quite old (by Lindsay King): Hooray for guest photographers!

Site News: August 17th, 2003

Rocky Horror Show Stage Musical Photo

Finally got down to San Antonio for a showing of The Rocky Horror Show on stage at the Woodlawn Theater, with Lee Marshall as Dr. Frank-N-Furter. Some pictures of the cast from after the performance are here: The show was outstanding, with a high level of participation in the (literally) standing room only audience. And I must say it's the first time I've EVER seen a Dr. Scott just utterly steal a show! Dave Cortez as Dr. Scott was absolutely hilarious, and at some points I would have sworn he was channeling Dr. Evil. He even managed to cause a majority of the cast to break out of character laughing, after a sight gag during Eddie's Teddy regarding Lee Marshall's "humongous cock". Next weekend is the end of the regular run for this show, but they will continue with Saturday night shows (only) all the way through Halloween. Check it out if you can.

Site News: August 12th, 2003


Not really Rocky related, but what the's entertaining anyway. Photos from this past weekend's Camp HackNSlash extravaganza have been posted here: The event was lovingly put together by The Alamo Drafthouse in association with New Line Cinema and Ain't It Cool News for the world premiere screening of Freddy vs. Jason. The photos cover a wide range of the all-day all-night summer camp event, including some rather intense dodgeball action, the wet t-shirt contest (cut unfortunately short by the display of some guy's prince albert), fire dancing and fire breathing by the lovely Usher of Austin's Midnight Shadow Show, and of course the stars of the movie including both Robert Englund (Freddy) and Ken Kirzinger (Jason) as well as the director Ronny Yu and producer Sean Cunningham. This was one hell of an event!

Site News: August 3rd, 2003

Queerios! Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas

Whee! Photos from this past Friday night are up (already): Average sized crowd, but several highly amusing audience members in there. And who can possibly get the image of Stevo as Dr. Frank-N-Furter out of their minds now? Check out his Tattoo. Now I shall run screaming from the theater like a little girl.

Site News: July 29th, 2003

Queerios! Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas

Mo' pictures, mo' pictures. Not as many pictures as some would like, but what the hell...:-) We got a bunch of pictures from this past Saturday, with Calvin coming up from Houston to play Brad with us: Good sized crowd, and a nice show. Then there are a few random pictures from the Saturday before that (I was playing Riff, so there aren't many): And finally for a real blast from the past, check out Beach Night 2001. Featuring the fabulous Blair performing Eddie, and Berry actually playing Brad believe it or not. No, I don't have a clue who that Trixie is either.

Site News: July 12th, 2003

Rocky Horror Picture Show Fan Convention Photo

A couple more galleries from the Big O Con have been up for awhile, though I don't think I've properly announced them here. Check out the first ever Fetish Fashion Show in that city (give them a break, it's Wichita fer crying out loud!). Plus a whole gallery of Miscellaneous Con Pictures that didn't really fit in elsewhere. Enjoy!

Site News: June 23rd, 2003

Rocky Horror Picture Show Fan Convention Photo

The first set of pictures from the Big O Con this past weekend in Wichita, Kansas are now up: Those are from the dance party type thing that went on before Rocky Horror was shown at the Wichita Orpheum Theater. It was DJed by Animal from Los Bastardos, who graciously trucked all of his equipment up from Dallas for the event. Much fun was had by all, as you will surely be able to tell from the pictures!

Site News: June 10th, 2003

phpBB community

Brand new spiffy discussion forums are now up: The new forums support all kinds of things that were not possible before (due to outdated software), including avatars, private messages, polls, and other such. Everyone will indeed need to register with the new forums, as none of the old user information will be transferring over. Once registered, all cast members should also private message or e-mail me for access to the cast member only forum. There'll obviously be a bit of a transition period for this thing, but I think we'll be much better off in the long run. Thank you for your patience.

Site News: May 30th, 2003

Queerios! Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas

Lightning strikes twice! More pictures are up, from the cast anniversary shows two weeks ago. Friday night: Saturday night: Enjoy!

Site News: May 25th, 2003

Queerios! Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas

Whee, it's been...yeah, a long freakin' time. I'm well aware...:-) Pictures are however up from last night's show (including Calvin playing Frank, hooray!). Be shocked, amazed, and/or appalled:

Site News: October 21st, 2002

Queerios! Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas

Put up a small gallery of photos from about a month ago. The quality is kind of hit and miss I'm afraid since I took some of the pictures and another photographer (Adrian Rodriguez) took others. And unfortunately he doesn't know my camera quite as well as I do...:-) But I am quite thankful since it is a rare day when I get to see pictures of myself performing coming out of my own camera. At any rate, take a look:

Site News: October 7th, 2002

Queerios! Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas

Posted a few photos (and I do mean just a 'few', I'm afraid) from this past Saturday night: It was an extremely virgin audience to say the least. I actually don't think there was a single non-cast person there who was NOT a virgin. We also had more than our fair share of mini-virgins coming out of their cocoons. If you happen to wonder why the pictures stop so abrubtly, it's probably because I was playing Rocky...:-) Enjoy!

Site News: September 22nd, 2002

Queerios! Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas

Photos from last night are up: Was an interesting night to say the least, since we were a bit short staffed so to speak. Another set of pictures for two weeks ago have also been added from another photographer, Adrian Rodriguez. He took about three rolls worth of pictures that night and was nice enough to provide a Photo CD for them. Here they are:

Site News: September 8th, 2002

Queerios! Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas

Last night's photos have been added: The audience was a bit off, what with the flash flood watch and other nasty weather from Tropical Depression Fay. It was a good show though nonetheless, and we're all busily preparing for next week's "Movie Maniacs" night on Friday the 13th of September.

Site News: September 1st, 2002

Queerios! Cast Photo - The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Austin, Texas

Whee, added quite a few new photo galleries. Yes I know it's a huge shock, and I'm sure several people's hearts are stopping right now...;-) Here are my Queerios pictures: 8/30/2002, 8/23/2002, and 7/26/2002. Also added galleries for a couple other people's Queerios pictures: 8/2/2002 by Steve Hurwitz and 10/12/2001 by Stevo Davis. Enjoy!

Site News: August 5th, 2002

Queerios! Cast Member Cat Hawkins as Audience Member at The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Austin, Texas

Yup, it's been a little while since I added new pictures here. Oh well, one of these years I'll get caught up...:-) In the meantime, I've scanned in the negatives for a few pictures taken by Rev. Lindsay King: Enjoy them, and I hope to have more up soon. But then again I'm ALWAYS 'hoping' to...

Site News: April 29th, 2002

The Rocky Horror Picture Show Road Trip Photo

Or maybe I could go visit Sadistic Pleasures in Houston again the very next week...;-) Had such a blast last time, thought we'd just go ahead and do it again. Didn't take nearly as many photos as last week, but what I did take is now posted here: Taking fewer photos does help get them online more quickly at least. Anyway, this past weekend was Goth Night so there were a few interesting twists like the S&M Toucha (check out the welts on Rocky!). And yes, I know that EVERY night is Goth Night at Rocky...:-) Also added a second gallery of pictures from the same show that were taken by Mina Smith on her new toy/camera:

Site News: April 26th, 2002

The Rocky Horror Picture Show Road Trip Photo

Went to go see Sadistic Pleasures in Houston this past weekend, since it'd been a few months since I last saw them. New photos of them are posted here: Things seem to be going really well for the cast there, thanks in part to having perhaps the most perfect theater situation a cast could ever ask for. The Southpoint is an independently owned and operated theater, and one of the cast directors is now General Manager of the theater. They've actually gone so far as to renovate a couple of rooms upstairs into cast dressing rooms and storage. What a concept...:-) The show itself was great too, though it actually had less nudity than normal oddly enough. Anyway, definitely going to have to visit these guys more often...

Site News: April 7th, 2002

The Rocky Horror Picture Show Road Trip Photo

Yeesh, been awhile since I've updated anything...:-) Too much real life stuff going on I'm afraid. Anyway, added new photos of the 3 More Doritos opening night (both a new theater and a new cast): They have an absolutely gorgeous theater, the Angelika Film Center in Dallas. It's got huge screens, a bistro-style restaurant, and even a full service bar. The hefty $7.50 admission is the only downside to that. The new cast is great too, and put on an amazing show to a sold out audience despite all of the standard opening night technical difficulties. I look forward to seeing them again once they've got a better handle on the new theater, props, and lighting system. Viva La Resistance!